Saturday 25 February 2012

Cambodian children

It took me some time to write again. After leaving Laos, I lived in my memories and refused to see the reality. But the reality started to knock on my door so intensively, that here I am in Cambodia.
It has been a couple of days that I have been volunteering in one orphanage. To tell the truth, I lost my battle.
Yes, I lost it in three days. Not more, not less.

There I felt like one of many. Without a face. Without a colour. Like a clear ghost which appears and disappears without being noticed.

And there I was just one of many who comes and leaves. The Zoo. Accommodated not with tigers, not with lions. No elephants or monkeys. Only people. Though kept not in cages, but in their destiny.

And when you ask their names, these little prisoners of destiny do not look at you while answering. They know it very well - in a week or two this ghost will be gone.

So here I am. I lost my battle and I leave.

With a feeling of quilt for taking part in the Zoo's creation.

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