Tuesday 27 December 2011

7 wonders

today I promised myself not to be surprised. And partly I managed to do this. 
My mouth does not become an "0" anymore when I get my food served on a banana leaf. One Indian guy told me, it gives food more passion.
Oh yes, my Friend, I eat here with passion. 

I am not surprised anymore that Christmas here is not not white and that Santa walks in shorts.

My friend, I even got used to the fact that Rain has a watch here and comes every day very punctual between 2 and 3 pm.

But I cannot hide my excitement when people treat me as a wonder. I just cannot accept that. I was told at school, that there are 7 wonders of the world:  

1. great pyramid of Giza
2. hanging gardens of Babylon
3. statue of Zeus at Olympia
4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
5. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
6. Collossus of Rhodes
7. Lighthouse of Alexandria
I tell you, my history teacher never mentioned that a human being is one of them. Maybe our books were simply too old.
I will be honest with you and tell you a secret - I never trusted these books. These black letters' misery was never my thing, I prefer pictures. 

And here I picture everything. Mostly faces. And later I read them before I feel asleep. 
They talk happiness to me. They talk trust. And from the corners of their smiling lips you can tell that it is real.

You are a wonder. 

They catch you as a wonder and do not want to let you go. And this, my Friend, keeps me surprised. Every breath I take, I cannot fight it.
I feel a wonder like everyone else here.

Definitely will make some phone calls to my history teacher. 
Someone has to rewrite the history of 7 wonders.

to My Old Friend

I think we are doing it. I am not sure how. Don’t know for what money. Did not think when we stop. But we are doing this and this time for real. 
So far I can remember, this was already plan C. Our careless study period when you are not obliged to think about your further future is gone. The fourth quarter of this sun flowered period already brought many windy thoughts. What to become after? And my Old Friend, it was not easy. It is never easy when some old woman – a tradition - with a cracked stick in her hand and a hooked from all these years back tells you to think rationally and become someone. I tell you, it is not easy when some crazy bubbles in your stomach which finally get to your brain tells you, no, wait, even screams to you – go and get what you want.
No, these bubbles do not get to your brain, or this is what this old woman would say. Which brain? – She would first question. 
Long discussion between the old woman and these crazy bubbles ended up in a plan C. If I remember correct, plans A and B were to become someone. 
Yes, my Old Friend, two freshly baked no-ones are going to get what they want. Adventure. Challenge. Experience. Inspiration. Answers. Lesson. Despair and further impatience. You say that is not much? This was what the karate old woman (who was fought by the crazy bubbles) told me. She is dead now. Be careful with us. We eat a lot of garlic. I mean it.

All our destinations will be planed there, next to a cup of depth breath or maybe under a tropical shower. When you are no-one, you are not allowed to plan in advance. Rules are rules. I know all the rules only they do not know me. 
Well, my Old Friend, you know me too well. I can tell you that actually the old women before her death made us an exception from the rules. There is a little plan – first Malaysia. All tanks filled with sun and coconut milk. No less, no more. 
I promise to you, I will walk slowly. I will drink every drop of sun. When it feels too much, I will sink in the ocean. Deep in blue sea, that my ears get full of water and I could hear these crazy bubbles in my brain screaming. Get what you want! Get what you want! Get what you want!

And I will get it. I tell you my Old Friend, I will get a lot of it. That I can send you a fine piece of it every time. How? Leave it to me, I’ll find the way. 
I am pure in my thoughts. We are doing it.